
Chongqing Workshop on Logic, Language and Information
Center for the Study of Logic and Intelligence, Southwest University, Chongqing
June 22, 2013 Saturday

On the behalf of Chongqing Association of Logic, the workshop on Logic, Language and Philosophy (WOLLP) is organized in honor of Prof. Xiangdong He’s contributions to the Center for the Study of Logic and Intelligence. In recent years, logic is applied to many research areas. The cross-discipline perspective is more and more significant. We invited seven logicians from different areas including logic, compute science, linguistics, artificial intelligence, game theory, decision theory etc.. The following speakers are invited to give a speech.
Xiangdong He (Southwest University, China)
Jeremy Seligman (University of Auckland, Newzealand)
Thomas Ågotnes (Bergen University, Norway)
Satoshi Tojo (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Katsuhiko Sano ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Minghui Ma (Southewest University, China)
Meiyun Guo (Southwest Universty, China)
Zhanglv Li (Chongqing Normal Unveristy, China)

Chongqing Association of Logic Center for the Study of Logic and Intelligence
重慶市邏輯學會 Southwest University

Contact Information
Local Organizer: Minghui Ma Email: mmh@swu.edu.cn Phone: 86-23-68367798

Morning Session
8:40 - 8:50 Opening
Photo Session
9:00 – 10:00
Speaker: Satoshi Tojo (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Title: Why do we acquire context-free grammar?
Coffee Break
10:20 - 11:20
Speaker: Thomas Ågotnes (Department of Computer Science Bergen University, Norway)
Title: Public Announcement Games
11:20 - 12:20
Speaker: Minghui Ma (Center for the Study of Logic and Intelligence, Southwest University)
Title: Extensions of Basic Propositional Logic
Afternoon Session
Speaker: Katsuhiko Sano (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Title: Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Channel-Based Agent Communication
Speaker: Jeremy Seligman (Department of Philosophy, Auckland University, Newzealand)
Title: Epistemic Logic of Friendship
Speaker: Meiyun Guo (Center for the Study of Logic and Intelligence, Southwest University)
Title: Reasoning about Free Preference with Uncertainty
Speaker: Zhanglv Li (Chongqing Normal University)
Title: On the Dilemma of Evidential Decision